Check The Facts #4: The Power of Three

Helios disinfection system graphic

Science doesn’t lie, UV light is a direct line-of-sight technology, that is why this week we are taking a deeper dive into the physics behind using three UV-C devices compared to just one. There are 5 key elements you should ALWAYS consider when purchasing and evaluating UV-C technology: Distance, Dosage, Shadows, Time and Labor.  Let’s […]

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Not All UV-C Is Created Equal

Not all UV-C is created equal

When used effectively, UV-C has been proven over the years to be an extremely efficacious adjunct disinfection technology to manual cleaning efforts in combatting viruses and bacteria in healthcare and hospital environments. During the pandemic, UV-C gained popularity in healthcare as well as other industries and spaces including hotels, restaurants, schools, offices, sports facilities, fitness […]

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Use of Mercury Lamps Myth Debunked

Use of Mercury Lamps Myths Debunked

As part of our CheckTheFacts campaign, we want to expose another untruth out there. Mercury levels in UV-C lamps are often discussed in the UV space. Xenex and other UV companies discuss the dangers of high levels of mercury present in UV-C bulbs, but let’s unpack this claim and talk about the facts… Mercury Lamps […]

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Half The Time Only Does Half The Job

Half the Time Only does Half the Job

Don’t Be Fooled By False Claims: Half The Time Only Does Half The Job As we continue our #CheckTheFacts series, today we are shedding some light on the topic of disinfection cycle time and how much time is required to disinfect various environments.  Last week we discussed how UV-C technology became increasingly popular during the […]

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Monkeypox: What You Need To Know and Current Status

our most recent blog, we examined in some detail the nature of the Monkeypox (MP) virus.     As of July 5, the CDC listed 560 total confirmed cases of monkeypox/orthopox virus cases in the United States, including 111 in California, 96 in New York State and 64 in Florida. This may be an underestimate however, […]

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Top 3 Trends in Health Care Cleaning and Disinfection

Disinfection system working in a doctor's office

Now more than ever, “cleaning” and “disinfection” have become popular buzzwords in our society as we continue to battle emerging viruses and do our best to stay healthy, especially since most of us have returned to doing normal activities, as well as traveling. In a hospital setting, cleanliness takes on even more importance and according […]

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Is Monkeypox Virus a Threat To Be Taken Seriously?

Monkeypox virus graphic

Written By Farrell B. Melnick, PhD The word Monkeypox has only come into our collective consciousness very recently but given where things started with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and how quickly it progressed, it is not too early to cautiously consider this highly contagious virus and its potential impact.  As a leader in providing trusted and […]

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Training Tip: The Importance of Room Prep Before UV-C Disinfection Cycles

The Importance of Room Prep graphic

At Surfacide, our implementation team is here to provide customers with best practices and professional training sessions. We maximize these efforts by introducing Surfacide Training Tips to our blog – Here you will find educational and need-to-know content that will improve how you utilize Surfacide technology in your facility.  Training Tip #1: The Importance of […]

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Boost Your Manual Cleaning with UV-C Disinfection For Your Staff-Only Areas

Two clinicians in a staff-only area

Did you know that the Surfacide Helios® System isn’t just for patient rooms? In fact, many hospitals deploy the UV-light disinfection Helios System in places where patients don’t even go, including staff common areas and nurse workstations. It’s important to prioritize these areas as you would patient rooms. Recently, new research from the University of […]

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